What could be the possible ways in which an individual could save gasoline (Petrol) in the simplest way?

Hello readers, this one is for everyone who wants to save fuel of your 4 wheeler in the most creative and simplest way!

One of the most crowded places in the cities are the parking lots (pardon me – certainly not on lockdown days!). Specially the 4 wheelers waste liters of petrol searching for that sweet parking space, so what could be the best possible way to stop wasting your valuable fuel hovering all over the parking lot?

An oil company giant from south Korea named “S-Oil Corporation” found a simple but effective way, not only to save fuel but also using this idea as a mass marketing tool for their business.

This south Korean oil giant just used an “Down Arrow” shaped helium balloons displaying as “HERE” and tied up their one end to the hooks in each car parking slots, so that it is visible for an average person sitting inside a car. Now when you enter a parking lot, you look for the flashy yellow arrow shaped balloon and steer towards it without any rush. When you park your car in reverse, simultaneously the balloon is pulled downwards which blocks the view of the balloon for the driver outside the parking lot.

Trust me fellas, this idea has its own pro’s and cons, I know you guys are overflowing with questions. Yes, most of your questions ringing out of your head will be answered after you read the Pro’s and cons but this simple yet innovative idea of S-oil corporation has changed tides of daily commuters fuel saving to unimaginable levels.  S-Oil Corp statistics displayed 700 cars used 23 liters less fuel in just one day and so multiply this across the number of parking lots available in south Korea.

Okay, here we go for the Pro’s and Cons:


  1. The balloon campaign is very simple to execute yet effective and innovative.
  2. More places the idea is implemented, more fuel is saved for the country and individual.
  3. Your most valuable time is saved in plenty.


  1. Most effective only in closed parking lots like in malls and places surrounded by buildings.
  2. Maintenance of the balloon is somewhat difficult as children’s are mostly drawn by bright balloons.
  3. Not effective in more windy areas like beach and more open ground areas.

So likewise the law of attraction, there are always equal and opposite forces acting upon ideas – just like our Pro’s and Cons. Hope this simple idea you may have or not known was better interesting than your IPL match today and also including BIG BOSS season whatever the hell it is.

The video of the idea implemented at south Korea can be seen in the below link.


By Siva Sankar 701 Views

Fun to be with individual and passionate on cars and their designs. Know about me by taking to me!

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